You think just by looking at your skin, it’s pretty easy to tell how well protected you are from the sun… right? Well, that’s what a lot of these people thought until they got a look at themselves under an ultraviolet light. Turns out they are dead wrong.
Even if your skin looks healthy on the surface, this UV light opened their your eyes to whats going on behind the scenes, deeper than how far the naked eye can go — young, old, men, women — it doesn’t matter. Under the UV light you will see those freckles, sun spots, developing wrinkles, and discoloration of your porcelain skin that you have been unable to see just yet. Then the same people were asked to put on sunscreen and then look into the same UV camera. The results were astounding. You’re not going to believe how much protection sunscreen truly offers us.
Please SHARE this eye opening video and go put on some sunscreen.                                                          Via:petflow & clearmindz